Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2023. 'The Interpersonal Comparative View of Welfare: Its Merits and Flaws'. The Journal of Ethics 27 (3), pp. 369–391. (open access)
2023. 'How to Assess Claims in Multiple-Option Choice Sets‘. Philosophy & Public Affairs 51 (1), pp. 60–92. (Together with Jake Khawaja.)
Other Journal Articles and Book Chapters
forthcoming. 'Utilitarismus und Populationsethik' (Utilitarianism and Population Ethics). In Bernward Gesang and Vuko Andrić (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus. Stuttgard: Metzler.
forthcoming. 'Summen- und Durchschnittsutilitarismus' (Total and Average Utilitarianism). In Bernward Gesang and Vuko Andrić (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus. Stuttgard: Metzler.
2021. 'On Parfit’s Wide Dual Person-Affecting Principle‘. In Michael Schefczyk and Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies, Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, pp. 69–78.
2020. ‘Comparative Personal Views and the Non-Identity Problem’. Intergenerational Justice Review 5 (2), pp. 62–63.
Non-Academic and Semi-Academic Publications
2016. ‘Wie lässt sich solidarische Ökonomie weltweit verwirklichen? Ein Portrait von FairBindung’ (How to realize solidarity economy worldwide? A portrait of FairBindung). Bastian Ronge (ed.). Solidarische Ökonomie als Lebensform. Berliner Akteure des alternativen Wirtschaftens im Porträt (Solidarity economy as life form. Berlin-based players of alternative economy portrayed). Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 71–95.
2011 ‘Personalisierte Unmündigkeit. Zur Rationalität der Nutrigenomik und ihren Funktionen’ (Personalized immaturity. The rationality of nutrigenomics and its functions).Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst, Spezial Nr. 11, pp. 24–32.