
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  • 2023. 'How to Assess Claims in Multiple-Option Choice Sets‘. Philosophy & Public Affairs 51 (1), pp. 60–92. (Together with Jake Khawaja.)

Other Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • forthcoming. 'Utilitarismus und Populationsethik' (Utilitarianism and Population Ethics). In Bernward Gesang and Vuko Andrić (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus. Stuttgard: Metzler.

  • forthcoming. 'Summen- und Durchschnittsutilitarismus' (Total and Average Utilitarianism). In Bernward Gesang and Vuko Andrić (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus. Stuttgard: Metzler.

  • 2021. 'On Parfit’s Wide Dual Person-Affecting Principle‘. In Michael Schefczyk and Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies, Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, pp. 69–78.

Non-Academic and Semi-Academic Publications

  • 2016. ‘Wie lässt sich solidarische Ökonomie weltweit verwirklichen? Ein Portrait von FairBindung’ (How to realize solidarity economy worldwide? A portrait of FairBindung). Bastian Ronge (ed.). Solidarische Ökonomie als Lebensform. Berliner Akteure des alternativen Wirtschaftens im Porträt (Solidarity economy as life form. Berlin-based players of alternative economy portrayed). Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 71–95.

  • 2011 ‘Personalisierte Unmündigkeit. Zur Rationalität der Nutrigenomik und ihren Funktionen’ (Personalized immaturity. The rationality of nutrigenomics and its functions).Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst, Spezial Nr. 11, pp. 24–32.