
I consider teaching as an equally important part of academic philosophy as research. In my view, teaching philosophy needs to impart the basic skills of analytical philosophy and provide opportunities to practice these skills by applying them to specific philosophical topics. I therefore instruct students with the tools of analytic philosophy such as conceptual clarity and the reconstruction of arguments and assist them in exercising the methods by applying them to particular philosophical issues. I have a broad repertoire of courses in practical philosophy: from applied ethics and political philosophy to various systematic discussions of ethical theories or individual aspects thereof. To ensure a solid foundation for my teaching, I attended a program of university didactics in 2021 and 2022, which I completed with the Certificate of Teaching in Higher Education.

blue and white ceramic mug on brown wooden table
blue and white ceramic mug on brown wooden table

TU Dortmund University

Winter Term 2024/2025

  • Seminar Interpersonelle Aggregation: Sollten wir die größere Anzahl retten? (Interpersonal Aggregation: Should we save the greater number?)

  • Seminar Philosophisches Schreiben: Verteilungsgerechtigkeit (Philosophical writing: distributive justive)

Saarland University

Summer Term 2024

  • M.A. Seminar Recent Work in Practical Philosophy (together with Christoph Fehige)

  • B.A. Seminar Risikoethik (Ethics of risk)

Winter Term 2023/2024

  • M.A. Seminar Actions and Norms (together with Christoph Fehige)

  • B.A. Seminar Folter vs. Lutscher: Trade-offs zwischen Personen (torture vs. lollipops: trade-off between people)

Summer Term 2023

  • M.A. Seminar Analytic Ethics (together with Christoph Fehige)

  • B.A. Seminar Populationsethik (population ethics)

Winter Term 2022/2023

  • B.A. Seminar Klimaethik (climate ethics)

Summer Term 2022

  • B.A. Seminar Verteilungsgerechtigkeit (distributive justice)

Winter Term 2021/2022

  • B.A. Seminar Vertragstheorien in der politischen Philosophie und Ethik (contract theories in political philosophy and ethics)

Summer Term 2021

  • B.A. Seminar Larry Temkin: Rethinking the Good

Winter Term 2020/2021

  • B.A. Seminar Tugendethik in Antike und Gegenwart (ancient and contemporary virtue ethics)

Summer Term 2019

  • B.A. Seminar Werkzeuge deontologischer Moraltheorien (tools of deontological moral theories)

Winter Term 2018/2019

  • B.A. Seminar Sollte man die größere Anzahl retten? (Should we save the greater number?)

  • B.A. Seminar Ethik in den Religionen (ethics in religions)

Humboldt University Berlin

Summer Term 2020

  • Advanced Seminar Theorien des Wohlergehens / Theories of Welfare

  • Proseminar Klassischer Utiltiarismus / Classical Utilitarianism

Winter Term 2019/2020

  • Advanced Seminar Populationsethik / Population Ethics

  • Proseminar Henry Sidgwick, The Methods of Ethics

Winter Term 2016/2017

  • B.A. Tutorial Einführung in die normative Ethik (introduction to normative ethics)